Released on April 25, ‘Torn’ is the powerful new single from Canadian artist Steve Major. The track serves as a reflection of Steve’s close personal relationship with the country, having family there, and spending much of this time both working and living in Ukraine.
A gifted creative artist, Steve Major explores in ‘Torn’ the ongoing crisis in Ukraine due to Russia’s illegal invasion. The emotionally driven single takes a deep dive into the pain and injustice experienced by those who are living through it. Major’s connection is clearly evident, and there’s a raw poignance to the track, which skilfully draws from a range of genres, including modern pop, and nu metal.
Sonically the track combines drum machines with distorted guitars, while Major overlaps rap with his driving lead vocals.
‘Torn’ is further unique in that Major has released it in both English and Ukrainian, illustrating once more his multi-culturalism.
Steve Major has pledged to donate the proceeds of the track’s royalties to a charitable organisation currently aiding Ukraine in their rehabilitation efforts.
You can stream ‘Torn’ on Spotify and Apple Music. Find out more about Steve Major and his music online on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.