Good Lovin’: We Speak With Samantha Gibb About Her Musical Heritage, Learning To Love Ourselves, And Her New Single

We’ve just reviewed Samantha Gibb’s new single, ‘Good Lovin’‘, and are ever so grateful to her for answering some of our questions.

Hi Samantha, thank you for speaking to us!

Thanks for reaching out!

We’ve just checked out the lyric video for your new single, ‘Good Lovin’, and we’ve found it to be incredibly inspirational! Was that your intention, and did you find the songwriting process cathartic?

That makes me happy to hear. I feel, over all, writing songs is cathartic honestly so ya! My music and writing partner Lazaro Rodriguez and I have tons of ideas floating around so we typically present one or two ideas to a writer or writers we are working with. When we presented the idea to our friend and songwriter Jim Lawton he instantly felt connected. From there, the intention for the song kept building.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in writing ‘Good Lovin’? What do you want listeners to take away from it?

To really not care about what other people think of you. To be unapologetically you and to love yourself.

You are of course, part of music royalty, being the daughter of Maurice Gibb. Have you always felt you’d go into music? If you could do anything else, what would that be?

As long as I can remember it has been music. My dad was always a supporter of anything I wanted to do in life. Music just came naturally to me. I remember playing a song on the piano after just listening to it. I thought everyone could do that. I think if I didn’t have music I probably would have gone to culinary school. I love learning new things and creating. My husband and I talk all the time about opening a little restaurant someday.

Tell us a little bit about growing up in such a musical family.

There was a lot of music when I was younger, especially around the holidays. Getting to go on tour and to shows as a kid was a really incredible experience especially being able to do it with family. I have said that growing up watching my dad and uncles work and perform really set the bar for what kind of musician and songwriter I wanted to be.

If you could go back and do it all over again, what, if anything, in your life would you do differently, and why?

I don’t think I would change anything. Even the bad. Everything I have done has brought me to this place in my life and I really like this place. I have no regrets.

We’re (hopefully) coming out of the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. How did it effect you? Were there any positive experiences you had that you’ve found helpful?

I’m a homebody so I really didn’t mind. Staying home and hanging with my family is a perfect day to me I was good. I learned all about zoom and how there is so much more you can do remotely then I thought possible. Oh, and I did discover the show Scandal and many other new shows and podcasts Lol

What’s next on the horizon for you? What can fans expect?

More music! Always. And I really love to collaborating and writing with other songwriters and artist/musicians so I hope to be doing a lot more of that.

Finally, and I ask this of everyone I speak to, what question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview, but nobody ever does? And what’s the answer to that question?

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

 And my answer would be Noah Cyrus. I absolutely love everything she is doing and hope to get the chance to work with her one day.

Check out our review of ‘Good Lovin” here. You can watch the video below, and find out more about Samantha Gibb and her music online on her official websiteTwitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

Samantha Gibb - Good Lovin' (Official Lyric Video)

About the author

Lisa has been writing for over 20 years, starting as the entertainment editor on her university newspaper. Since then she's written for Popwrapped, Maximum Pop, Celebmix, and ListenOnRepeat.

Lisa loves all good music, with particular fondness for Jedward and David Bowie. She's interviewed Edward Grimes (Jedward), Kevin Godley, Trevor Horn, Paul Young, Peter Cox (Go West), Brendan B Brown (Wheatus), Bruce Foxton (The Jam), among many many more. Lisa is also available for freelance writing - please email

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