After a hiatus of 5 years, Big Brother is set to return to UK screens in 2023. The show, which ran for 18 years, started out on Channel 4 in 2000, before moving to Channel 5 in 2011, before finally being axed in 2018. The producers have always said they were open to bring the format back, and so, from next season, it will be moving to ITV2 as well as ITVX, a new streaming service which will integrate ITV Hub.
Jedward have been a very popular part of the Celebrity version of the show, having finished in 3rd place during their initial time in the Big Brother house back in 2011, and coming second their next time around, in 2017. With the announcement of the show’s reboot, the Irish duo have thrown their hat in the ring, not as contestants this time, but as presenters!
Edward posted the following on TikTok last night:
Their wish to present the show was confirmed on their official Twitter account as well:
Jedward are no strangers to hosting TV shows. From 2011-2013 they starred in and hosted three seasons of ‘Jedward’s Big Adventure’ on CBBC, a history programme which saw them learn about and lead tours around UNESCO listed historic sites around the UK. They also hosted two seasons of ‘Jedward’s Dream Factory’ on RTE in Ireland, a variety style programme where they helped young people achieve their dreams. Additionally they have hosted the clip shows, ‘Jedward’s Weird Wild World’, and ‘Jedward’s Xmas House Party’.
What do you think? Do you think Jedward stand a chance of getting the job? How do you think they’d do? Let us know in the comments!