Last month we featured ‘The Danger Zone‘, the first track from Bozeman, Montana based band, King Ropes’ new album, ‘Go Back Where They Came From’, which was released on May 22. Now we introduce you to a second track from the album, the Al Green (and Talking Heads) classic, ‘Take Me To The River’.
‘Go Back Where They Came From’ is an album of 12 covers, each of which has been given the King Ropes treatment to make the songs their own. If you’re familiar with ‘Take Me To The River’, you’ll feel there’s more Al Green than Talking Heads in the hands of King Ropes – as there should be – but there’s a decidedly significant amount of Bozeman in there as well. It’s expansive and funky; fuzzy guitars, strident drums, and sizzling synths – the end product an instrumental as huge as the big skies of Montana herself. It’s worth listening right to the very end, where the instruments take over. Crank the volume up to 11, and let the sound consume you. It’s 2 parts big band sound, and 2 parts industrial music – one thing that’s sure is, it’s 4 parts awesome.
King Ropes frontman Dave Hollier, in speaking of the album, says,
“Most of what I know about songwriting I’ve learned by covering other people’s songs. But I’ve never been interested in copying the original version of a song. The covers I love to hear are when someone takes a great song, and makes it into something new.”
“On this album, we’ve tried to strip the songs down to the bare bones, and then build them back up again and take them pretty far from their original context,” he continues. “I’ve been thinking about cover songs for a long time, and I thought it would be fun to try a covers album with a bunch of songs from all over the map, and take those songs in a bunch of directions.”
“I hope this genre bending thing isn’t too heavy-handed, but I think that this record is a pretty upfront statement of us having a lot of different music that we love and are influenced by. It was a lot of fun taking a bunch of songs that might seem to have nothing to do with each other and getting them to hold together as a cohesive whole.”
Listen to ‘Take Me To The River’, by King Ropes, and let us know what you think. You can watch the equally impressive music video below:
