Having a talent with your voice is something few have and so when you can sing well, it’s a good idea to get it recorded in order to make a career out of it possibly. But first impressions count, so here are some tips when recording your voice for the first time.
Have Good Quality Equipment
In order to catch that good quality sound, you need to be able to have the right equipment and the right settings in order to record. Think about where you do this singing, whether you can afford a recording studio or simply doing it your bedroom. Either way, you’ll want to create some sound-proofing in order to keep the space quiet enough, and so you don’t have any background audio that you can hear on the playback. Invest in a good microphone and do your research when finding one that’s going to be clear and picks up your every note. Get some other equipment like software to help you mix and improve the sound if you’ve got the experience of doing that also.
Try Paying For A Recording Studio
A recording studio is going to be quite expensive to hire out and so you may want to do some saving first before you start paying for sessions. Only use a recording studio when it gets to that point where you need to record it professionally, otherwise, a lot of it could just be done in a room that is set up similar to a studio. With a recording studio, you do get that bonus of having a lot of equipment to take advantage of, and usually, there’s also a proper sound-proof room for the recording of your voice and for any other instruments that you plan on involving.
Prepare Before You Sing
Remember that your voice is an instrument and therefore, any singing you do need to be prepared properly. Practice some warm-ups and make sure what you’ve eaten and drank is not going to affect the way your voice performs. It’s important to look after it at all times and not to strain your voice too often when performing. Take singing lessons to help train your voice further and so that it’s ready for when you’re performing in front of audiences.
Think About Technique With The Microphone
Technique is a good thing to consider when it comes to singing because the microphone can either aid the quality of your voice, and it can also affect it. Remember to keep a suitable distance when your mouth is near the microphone and to use it in ways that help add volume to your voice. Think about the way you hold it and how comfortable you feel with either it on a stand or being loose.
Recording your voice for the first time is never going to be perfect, especially if you’re doing it alone. Work on it like anything else you’d do in life in order to make it better. Invest in good equipment and look after your voice too!