For those of us who never got to see The Beatles in concert, we’re fortunate to have The Fab Faux dedicate themselves to faithfully recreating some of the most extraordinary music ever written.
With a commitment to the accurate reproduction of The Beatles’ repertoire, The Fab Faux treat the seminal music with unwavering respect, and are known for their painstaking recreations of the songs (with emphasis on the later works never performed live by the Beatles). Far beyond a cover band, they play the music of The Beatles so impeccably that one must experience it to believe it.
Imagine hearing complex material like ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’, or ‘”I Am the Walrus’ performed in complete part-perfect renditions; or such harmony-driven songs as ‘Because’, ‘Nowhere Man’, and ‘Paperback Writer’, reproduced not only note-for-note, but with extra vocalists to achieve a double-tracked effect.
The Fab Faux – five of the hardest working musicians in NYC, tackles The Beatles’ most demanding material live onstage in a way that has to be experienced to be believed.
Now in their 20th year performing together, The Fab Faux’s members are Jimmy Vivino from ‘Conan’, legendary bassist Will Lee, Rich Pagano (Rosanne Cash, Ray Davies,) Jack Petruzzelli, (Joan Osborne, Patti Smith, Rufus Wainwright) and Frank Agnello (Phoebe Snow, Marshall Crenshaw).
The Fab Faux shall be performing at The George Harrison 75th Birthday Celebration on November 3, at New York City’s Beacon Theatre. Commencing at 8pm, the concert will feature The Crème Tangerine Strings, The Hogshead Horns, The Weeping Atlas Singers, Jim Boggia and Erin Hill. A portion of the proceeds will benefit George & Olivia’s Material World Charitable Foundation, and tickets are on sale now.