In the same vein as many documentaries on the subject of the most horrific of crimes; murder, this new ten-part series ‘I Am A Killer’, produced for the Crime and Investigation channel, in association with Netflix, will challenge our understanding of what is evil. There is nothing more grimly fascinating than what drives one human being to brutally, and in some cases without remorse, murder another human being.
Try as we might, unless we possess the same mute button to the horror of our actions, we will never understand.
And that’s why ‘I Am A Killer’ is one of the best shows of this genre to hit our screens.
The series is broken into episodes and focuses on one particular killer and their crimes. The guilty speak candidly about their actions and if they feel remorse, and what future they have, if any.
Easy watching it isn’t.
Some of America’s most notorious criminals are here, in some cases trying to justify why they deserve clemency, and in others, trying to atone for their actions.
But therein lies the secret to I Am A Killer’s success. We usually see the monster but not the human and what this show does is to remove the reputation, the public perception, largely formed by the views of the press, and it removes the mask to reveal a son, a father, a brother, but above all, a human being.
And that’s what’s so scary, any one of these men could be the guy across the street or the guy waiting for the bus.
What we have in this show is a collection of broken adults because many were broken as children.
Abuse, alcoholism, drugs, cruelty, and poverty all play their part. Not that it should excuse these men, but it may go some way to offering an insight into why they became the monsters that we fear.
‘I Am A Killer’ is a 10 part series beginning on 29 May, at 9pm. You can see it on Sky 156, Virgin 275, BT 328 and TalkTalk 328.
Find out more information from their official website, Facebook, and Twitter.