“Beaux Cheveux” translates as “beautiful hair” in English and the band comprising Adrian Conner and Clementine could as easily be named “Beaux Voix” as they also have very fine voices.
The duo, who we’ve written about a few times here on EP, released their album, ‘Ro Sham Bo‘ earlier this year. It’s nine tracks covering a variety of genres including rock and trancey-ethereal-psych; it’s got a real sixties vibe overall, but then something more. Track two, ‘You Beautiful Flame’, reminds us of Prince both lyrically and musically with its laidback guitar-oriented rhythms. Track 3, ‘Rio Grande’, which we wrote about back in February is a So-Cal feel 60s style track, with a video to match. ‘Free Love’, which follows, is fast, funky and furious. Track 5, ‘Deeper Feeling’, has a very unusual sound, like a blend of folk-country with psych. Altogether the sound is very groovy and compelling – a definite head-nodder of a track.
Possibly the most distinctive track on the album is ‘Sunset Marquee’, a rockier number, nonetheless with the same sweet vocalisation, and in effect a pop-rock sound. The penultimate ‘Fourth Of July’ is bluesy and raucous, reminding us that Adrian and Clementine in their “day jobs” respectively perform in AC/DC (Hell’s Belles) and Led Zeppelin (Zepparella) tribute bands. The track is probably the primary demonstration of just how brilliantly talented these musicians are.
Final song on the album, ‘Little Gold Betty’, rounds it off nicely with another bluesy number reminiscent of Alannah Myles and ‘Black Velvet’, albiet a slightly more up tempo version.
‘RO SHAM BO’ is out now, and can be bought here. Find Beaux Cheveux online on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as their official website.