Mohammed Zaheer, from Pakistan, has released his latest album, ‘Angry Ballerina’, with the aim to raise awareness of the plight of the people of Yemen and the Rohingya, and also raise funds for the charities that assist them.
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Angry Ballerina originally comprised Mohammed and his compatriot Ashar Ali, and was inspired by activists fighting for the rights of the disenfranchised – only to be repeatedly dismissed as “a bunch of angry ballerinas creating a hullabaloo over nothing”. Because the duo often write politically-fuelled rock/pop tracks inspired by human rights issues, including minority rights, gender equality, and religious oppression, it was the perfect name for their band.
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The album ‘Angry Ballerina’ features contemporary rock with an Eastern edge, the percussion a nod to their Pakistani heritage. Most of the tracks discuss political issues, love, and empowerment, albiet in a subtle manner. The band has also created their own clothing label by the same name, when they were made aware of the exploitative working conditions in the textile industry, while searching for a supplier for their band merchandise. Angry Ballerina’s aim is to completely eradicate modern slavery, and raising awareness through music and clothing.
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‘Angry Ballerina’ is out now, and can streamed and downloaded on all major media providers. All proceeds raised will be donated to charity.
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