For four minutes and fifty-five seconds Pining for Sunshine performed an act of musical levitation on me. They lifted me from the ground and carried me along on a melancholic cloud of beautiful sound that reminded me of a mash up of ‘She’s Leaving Home’ by The Beatles and Damien Rice’s ‘Cannonball’.
The intro is so minimalist, coupled with the economical vocal, allowing the listener to feel the pain…and then in the middle of the song an undertone of darkness is woven in, only to be broken by haunting melodies and backing vocals as the song reaches a climax.
There are some great lyrics too. ‘Holding onto the reigns of life’ really stood out. I get the feeling that the songwriter smiled when he conjured that one up. I know I would.
This song is first class. Top notch and well worth a listen. Pining for Sunshine may have ‘So Little Time’, but they sure as hell have so much more to give us.
Find out more about Pining For Sunshine from Twitter, and Facebook. ‘So Little Time’ is available on Spotify and Soundcloud.