Matt Wade, singing as My Silent Bravery, is no stranger to regular EP readers, with us featuring him in March and July this year. The Massachusetts singer returns with his latest single, ‘Girl You Think You Know’, a ballad which has been turned on its side with My Silent Bravery’s distinctive style.
Opening with classical strings accompanying acoustic guitar and soft bass, the lyrics are deep and meaningful, describing a girl so obsessed with her appearance and repuation that she becomes addicted to showing her beauty on the internet, to complete strangers. On social media she gives the impression of a perfect woman, beautiful, passionate, and confident. In reality however she is broken and lonely – all this is a cry for help.
Starring the very beautiful Livy Poulin, it opens with her wearing a pink wig, which she pulls off, suggesting there is more to her than meets the eye. She never allows herself to look anything but flawless – at night, when doing her make up, and especially when she goes out in public. What she sees in the mirror however couldn’t be further from the truth, suffering body dysmorphia, she feels only contempt, and picks at her skin with a wish to pull it off.
Find My Silent Bravery online on Spotify, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and his official website. ‘Girl You Think You Know’ is available to download from iTunes.