Bronx native and coiner of the term, “Berri Life”, Saïnt Pierre follows up his ‘Coco’ remix of ‘I’m In Love With The Toto’ with a hot new single, ‘Acid’.
‘Toto’ sent Saïnt Pierre and the Berri Crew high into the hip-hop stratosphere, causing the then seemingly unknown artist to become a trending topic of 2014. Saïnt Pierre followed this up with a world-wide lifestyle/merch brand, and a track called ‘No Basics (Na Na Na)’, which racked up an impresive 102k views on Youtube. The rise of the Berri Life movement, across the world from New York to Japan, has seen Pierre fearlessly leading his followers to greatness ever since.
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The first line of ‘Acid’, “Do a hundred out in traffic” sets the tone of the song perfectly, with the music video showing Saïnt Pierre in his purest Berri form, running with the crew and a rags-to-riches lifestyle at the pace they want. The whole squad is partying hard, with hot girls, expensive cars, and bottles upon bottles. Rather than partying in some expensive club however, the crew are partying in their own hometown, showing that an artist like Saïnt Pierre never forgets where he came from.
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The whole neighbourhood behind him, Saïnt Pierre delivers the song with an honest confidence, and shows the form he’s been working for his entire life.
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You can check out Saïnt Pierre’s track ‘Acid’ from Spotify and Soundcloud. Find Saïnt Pierre online on Twitter, and Instagram.
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