Originally from Malibu but now based in LA, singer songwriter Kylie Hughes first got into the music scene back in 2014, and finds her inspiration in the laid back lifestyle of California. Check out her single, ‘Never Ever’, a pure and orchestral track with a sixties edge to it.
We asked Kylie Six Quick Questions. Hope you enjoy her answers as much as we do!
EP: What’s the Kylie Hughes story?
KH: The Kylie Hughes story has been a long time coming. Been writing songs and playing guitar since I was 12, and although I have tried lots of flavors of music styles, my love is in the songwriting and I’ve never looked back.
EP: We’ve been listening to ‘Never Ever’ and were struck by the quality of the production, and the song altogether – vocally and instrumentally the sound is so pure and has an element about it that almost sounds like it’s from a movie soundtrack: talk us through that, what is the song about? What’s the inspiration behind it?
KH: Yeah, while writing and recording the song, I always pictured it being cinematic. We recorded a live strings orchestra out of Ireland that also took the song to a grander level. I’d say the concept for the video was also in my head from the start as well. It just needed to be dramatic, beautiful and movie-like. The song is about two people in a relationship on two different pages and it’s also about letting go of those who hurt us and learning to stand on your own two feet.
EP: You’ve got an album coming out in March – what’s that going to be like? Is there an overriding theme?
KH: It’s going to be very personal and autobiographical. Expect a twist of pop, Americana, country and folk. I can’t wait for everyone to hear all the different sounds and attitudes on this album. It took two years to make but it was also the most fun.
EP: Where do you see yourself in five years time? What would you say now, to your future self? And conversely, what would you say now, to your younger self?
KH: Still making music. I hope that I’m able to check a bunch of things off of my bucket list that I achieved professionally in 5 years. That I always make the music I want to make and listen to my inner artist voice. I would have told that same thing to myself five years ago too. I may have been further along now if I had that advice. There would be less do-overs.
EP: Where do you like to write your music? Do you have to have certain conditions or a certain mind set, or a location or whatever?
KH: A lot of inspiration for me comes at the most inconvenient times like in the shower or driving in my car. I can’t exactly pull out a pen and paper in those moments so my voice recorder app on my phone is pretty clutch, as well as entertaining to listen through all of my random ideas and melodies. Writing at night always brings a certain song out of me as well. It’s like the only time where I know everyone is asleep, no one expects anything out of me and I can relax and be creative with no distractions.
EP: What question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview but nobody ever does?
KH: I like a random, pointed funny question. I always look for those funny quotes or hints of personality in other interviews I read. Those are things I usually remember, where it’s specific and less broad. Like in Anna Faris’ podcast, she asks her guests “how would you kill someone? Poison, blunt object or car?” Maybe that’s a weird question…but hey, I remembered it haha.
Kylie Hughes can be found online on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud, and her official website. ‘Never Ever’ is available to download from iTunes and Amazon, and stream on Spotify.