It’s 16 December on our Essential Advent Calendar and Weymouth singer Ysanne wants us all to become a Christmas Jumper!
Ysanne, from Weymouth, has been asking people to get involved in The Christmas Jumper Challenge, where you upload a video of yourself jumping in your Christmas jumper. Businesses and organisations across Weymouth so far have been pouring in, with the challenge raising money for Julia’s House, and Save The Children.
Ysanne told the Weymouth Echo that she loves the work that Julia’s House does, and came up with the Christmas Jumper Challenge as a way to raise awareness, and fundraise for the charity.
So far, The Post Office, Specsavers, Let’s Dance, Whizz Kids, Lloyds Bank, Marks And Spencer, and Razzamatazz, all in Weymouth, have got behind the idea and been jumping to raise money.
The challenge involves people recording themselves and their friends doing as many different silly jumps as they can in thirty seconds – wearing Christmas jumpers, if possible.
Ysanne has recorded a special loop of her charity Christmas song, ‘Christmas In The Sun’, which she asks be used while performing the jumps. You can find the song here:

Christmas Jumper Day is today December 16.
A spokesman for Julia’s House said:
“Julia’s House is delighted to be supported by the #imachristmasjumper challenge.
“Julia’s House is the only children’s hospice in Dorset and Wiltshire dedicated to helping children and their families.
“The money raised by this fantastic festive challenge will go to supporting these families, so a huge thank you to everyone who has and will take part in becoming a Christmas jumper.”
Click on the links to make your donations to Julia’s House, and Save The Children.
Check out the staff at Lloyds Bank doing their bit for the challenge: