Described as “what the love-child of Ali G and Lady Gaga would look and sound like”, Mimi LaRue is a satirist whose humorous takes on different genres are similar in style to Weird Al Yankovic – but more controversial.
‘Country Star’ takes a hilarious look at country music, but with a bitter sweet edge – examining the sexual inequality in the genre, as well as the difficulty of getting into the industry in the first place. LaRue has a singing style which is easily adapted to whichever she is satirising. True, the lyrics are explicit – but there’s humour behind them and Mimi could easily find her way onto Saturday Night Live or the like.

Mimi takes a turn about with her next parody, slicing right through mainstream pop music, with ‘Product’, a lighthearted dig at the likes of Lady Gaga, Sia, Meghan Trainor, and others. Again, like ‘Country Star’, LaRue hits at the music industry – this time the world of manufactured pop:

Mimi doesn’t let Hip-Hop get away with it either. ‘Filler’ is a cutting critique on the popular style, in a song that doesn’t say much at all about anything – but that’s the joke of it all – she even says it in the lyrics, that “you’ve been played by LaRue, cos even though I’m saying blah blah blah blah blah, you’re busy groovin like wah wah wah wah wah”. Interjecting throughout the video are random words on the screen, like, ‘Teacup’, ‘Lamp’, and so on.

Mimi is an all-round artist: singer/songwriter, actress, rapper and poet are just a few strings to her bow; she is also a handbag and fragrance designer, not to mention an aspiring superstar. Boldly making her mark with her witty and cutting songs, she leaves us wondering what could she possibly tackle next?
You can find Mimi LaRue online on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Soundcloud. Get her music from CDBaby and iTunes.