Abner Browns Barbershop, in Dublin, has become one of the main and most interesting venues in Ireland. A new documentary shows the story of this famous Dublin barbershop, where renowned international bands and musicians have performed. The documentary was premiered at the Barbershop on March 5.
Created by ‘1844 Times Projects’, the documentary captures what is happening in this small corner of Dublin. Hundreds of acts have already performed at the venue, including Gavin Glass, Duke Special, David Geraghty (of Bell X1 fame), Molly Sterling, Mundy, and The Hot Sprockets – just to name a few. Even Michael Stipe, lead singer of REM, was a visitor to this alternative spot the last time he visited Dublin. The documentary tells how this mad idea started and developed, explaining how this place has become such an icon in the Dublin, and overall Irish, music scene.
“It just exploded on the Irish music scene, I can’t believe what’s happening. I have gone from being a barber into… well, they keep telling me I am one of the main promoters around town now”. – Dave Judge (Barber/Owner of Abner Brown’s Barbershop)
Check out the trailer for the documentary here:

Abner Browns Barbershop is on Facebook and Twitter. You can find out more about 1844 Times Projects on their Facebook and Twitter pages too.