We had a chance to ask Nathan Grisdale a few questions….
EP: Can you tell us a bit about yourself for those who may not be familiar with you yet?
NG: My names Nathan Grisdale I am just your normal lad from blackburn who loves to sing and have a laugh a lot of friends and family would consider me childish haha.
EP: What first inspired you to start writing music? Who were your early influences?
NG: Well at first I just started singing in my bathroom for a bit of fun and the realised wait a minute I can actually write music to help people and write song that relate to certain situations so I did! I loved Michael Jackson growing up and Elvis.
EP: You recently had chart success with your single, ‘Only One’. How did you feel when you heard it had hit the Official UK Singles Chart?
NG: Wow when Only One hit the charts I had to look about 5 times to make sure it was real. The song meant a lot to me and others listening to it so I was happy it did well.
EP: Your follow up single, ‘Miss Understood’, is due to be released on 24th August. Can you tell us a bit about that?
NG: I’m very excited for Miss Understood I basically wrote this song about a guy really loving this girl for who she is because in the song I have to be honest she’s not the smartest girl in the world haha.
EP: You have two gigs coming up, one in Manchester at Club Academy on 5th September and another at the O2 Academy in Islington, London on 8th September. What can fans expect to see at these shows?
NG: Yes I do indeed expect the unexpected, something different that fans will love that’s all I can say guess they will have to wait and see not giving anything away 😉
NG: It is important to release songs frequently so that fans can be active with you on your journey the more music you produce there’s more chance of you growing.
NG: I love to relax so I’m defiantly your sit in with a takeaway and a film type of guy haha kind of boring I know.
NG: I think it is important for people to click with you but I believe for people out there with a talent, their time will come.
EP: What are your plans for the future? Where would you like to be this time next year?
NG: I hope to be still the average clumsy lad from Blackburn that helps more people relate to songs and that I hopefully can grow as a person and musician and do bigger and better things! A top 40 would be okay to start 😉
Find Nathan on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and his official website. The official video for Miss Understood will be released on VEVO on 11th September to coincide with the single release, but a trailer video is available to watch now.