The Magnettes are an exciting new Swedish duo, consisting of members Rebecka Digervall and Sanna Kalla. The girls grew up together in the isolated town of Pajala, a place so remote, it even has its own language. It was there that the pair decided to write and sing about their experiences, blending new wave, pop and a disco sound with their Abba-esque double vocal harmonies.
They have played such events as the ‘New Music Seminar’ in New York, and ‘Nordic Days’ in Russia, and in 2012 released a single ‘Paper Cut’, in their native Sweden, before signing a development deal with Do Music. They are now set to release their UK debut single ‘Sore Feet And Heartbeats’, as well as write and record their debut album later this year.
Fresh from SXSW in Austin, Texas, where they had a successful run of showcase gigs, the duo will be bringing their unique formula of playful electro pop to the UK this summer, as they play The Great Escape Festival on 15th May at the Black Lion in Brighton, and release their catchy new single, ‘Sore Feet and Heartbeats’ on the 6th July.
The pair are also the main subject of Hans-Erik Therus’s new documentary, “Pajala State Of Mind”.
You can see The Magnettes live in the UK on Friday 15th May as part of the Great Escape Festival, at the Black Lion in Brighton, at 1.20pm.
‘Sore Feet And Heartbeats’ by The Magnets is due for release on 6th July.
You can find more information about The Magnettes on their Facebook page.