With Valentine’s Day on it’s way…I’m interested to know about what everyone’s up to? I read about this heart sausage that M&S were doing that looked super scrumptious however it’s mixed with truffle and I’m not the biggest fan of truffle; so I think this year, I’ll give that one a miss. My most romantic Valentine’s Day was probably long walks along a beach front with my then-partner…I haven’t really been that lucky in love to have a series of great Valentines, but the beach-front walks were certainly romantic and sweet…with a brisk wind and a look of adoration from your partner, mixed with a portion of chips to share; it really is the simple things sometimes. I have made a silent rule to myself to put myself “out there” more this year in terms of dating… normally I go on one date with a guy and get really hung up on him, but this year, I’m allowing myself the opportunity to explore.