Top Cheats to Find Your Calm

Life really does have a knack for throwing us things that we don’t want and we don’t need. One moment everything’s fine and the next everything is a whirlwind of stress. When life feels like this, it can be very difficult to know when the last time you were able to relax. Relaxation doesn’t come easy for a lot of people, but there are some ways that you can cultivate that sense of ease that you’re looking for. Learning how to calm your mind takes some time. 

How To Embrace Your Nerdy Habits

There was a time, especially prevalent throughout the 70s, 80s, 90s and even early 2000s, when being a nerd was seen as a bad thing. Never mind most of us used technology for life convenience that had been exclusively designed and maintained by nerds, nor that most people were fans of franchises like Star Wars and sci-fi epics like Alien in theatres – to be seen as a nerd was to be disconnected from “mainstream” culture or even actively hostile to it.