It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over – LCD Soundsystem Keep The Party Going With ‘American Dream’

Although their “last show ever” in February 2011 could have been the end of the road for LCD Soundsystem, it’s pretty clear the music was never going to completely die for the Brooklyn band, who were named in 2013 as one of Rolling Stone’s “New Immortals”. And with the announcement of their reunion in 2016 and headlining of Coachella that year, it was only a matter of time that a new album from James Murphy and crew would also be released.

It's Just Craig - Photo Credit: Kyle Helmond

It’s Just Craig – ‘Dark Corners’

It’s Just Craig was originally a planned mid-life crisis: just before his 40th birthday, Craig Helmreich ran off to San Francisco with ten songs, and six friends – Elijah, Marc and Kirsten Ford; John Vanderslice; Jason Slota and; Rob Shelton. They put the ten songs on two inch tape at Tiny Telephone recording studios, where they convinced Bernie Grundman to master the record, and cut the lacquers. This became ‘Blood On The Table’. Now Craig and his friends are back, together with Jess and Kelsey from Von Strantz. They’ve recorded album 2, ‘Dark Corners’, once again at Tiny Telephone.