Track By Track Review of The Vamps’ Incredible New Album, ‘Cherry Blossom’

The Vamps blessed the music scene all the way back in 2012 after meeting online and posting covers on YouTube. From that small garage band, they have grown into one of the biggest bands in the UK. After six headline tours, becoming the first band to perform at London’s O2 Arena five years in a row, a number one album, and performing to hundreds of thousands of adoring fans worldwide, Brad, James, Connor, and Tristan return with their fifth studio album titled “Cherry Blossom.”

Erasure’s New Album ‘The Neon’ Takes Us To Wherever We Want To Be

Out today via Mute Records, Erasure’s album, ‘The Neon’, could be just as easily be a trip back in time, as much as it’s a contemporary album. It’s all about how you view it. Those of a certain age might be transported to the days of neon fingerless gloves, teased up hair like birds’ nests, and stirrup pants and Doc Martens (brogues or boots – your choice), paired with oversized painter shirts. But then again, it’s very much a contemporary album, touching on very modern themes. A lot of the issues of the 80s are revisited – albeit in slightly different form – today, and albums like ‘The Neon’ are what we needed then, and now, to take our minds off those things.