We’ve been writing about Mychael Gabriel and his music for a few years now, starting with his single, ‘Ghost In The Midnight’ back in 2019, right up to ‘Sunday Afternoon’, which he released early this year. Now we get to speak to the man himself and get to ask him our most burning questions.
Hi Mychael, thank you so much for speaking with us today.
The pleasure is all mine.
We’ve been following your career for a few years now, and you’ve gone from strength to strength. To what do you owe your success, and how do you feel you’ll progress to the next level?
Thank you for your kind words. God, family, and music are three things that are at the heart of it all – they all work in tandem. Staying positive, being kind, and having passion for what you do is paramount. Learning to say yes to opportunity, be honest about your shortcomings, continuing to grow and evolve is key. Progression is about discipline and consistency. It’s important to be content, but never complacent. Forward progress and evolution of self is a form of success.
You’re from Minneapolis, which is of course well known for producing the likes of Prince, and Sheila E, and your parents even met because of those artists. What was it like growing up in such a city, with those influences, and was there any point in your life when you actually considered not going into the music business, and what would you have done otherwise?
Minneapolis is a city beaming with a rich history and pride for its musical heroes. Music has been a part of my life ever since I can remember and the “Minneapolis Sound” is a musical cornerstone for me – a part of my DNA. To put it bluntly, every time I tried doing “something else,” it just didn’t feed my spirt or wasn’t blessed in the same way that my venture into music world has been. When you find something that you are so passionate about, you owe it to yourself to go for it. For me, music feeds that hunger and creativity inside. If I absolutely had to do anything anything else – it would likely be something in film making.
You’ve been on both sides of the recording studio, producing and engineering, and now singing. What got you into the singing side (we’re you grateful for it!)?
Actually, it’s really the other way around. Singing and songwriting came long before and everything else followed that. Songwriting was my first love. As a child, I was told “if you can hum it, you can sing it, you can play it.” My desire to sing and create songs was the catalyst to acquiring all of these other skills and developing these other specialities – engineering, production, all of it. I have been blessed with a multitude of opportunities – but in one way or another, it was all rooted in my love of songwriting. Now, my focus is on getting back to why I started this venture in the first place – releasing music, with my own voice both physically and metaphorically.
Talk us through your latest album, ‘Genesis’. What was the inspiration behind it, and what is the concept?
The “Genesis” album is a musical journey exploring the plethora of emotions from the human experience. It’s part Biblical allegory and part personal origin story. It’s a multi-genre album by design to highlight music that has inspired me throughout the years. Jump on the rollercoaster and enjoy the ride.
Who are your greatest inspirations both musically and personally? Why?
My greatest musical inspiration would have to be my Godmother, Sheila E. I’ve been working with her professionally since I was sixteen years old. She has taught me so much, gave me my first break, and invited so much opportunity into my life and career. She is a legend, musical icon, and total badass. Her love and passion for her craft and those around her is extraordinary.
Personally – my family. My mother fostered my talent for words, lyrics, and taught me to never give up. My father taught me the power of belief and continues to be my hero ever since I was a child. My wife and children are my muse, my world. Family is everything. It keeps a person grounded and helps remind them who they are and why they do what they do. I’m grateful everyday.
What’s next for Mychael Gabriel?
MORE music! Visual story telling through even more music videos, an extended, deluxe version of the Genesis album, and live shows.
And finally, what question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview, but nobody ever does? And what’s the answer to that question?
My grandfather used to ask me the same question every time I saw him. So I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this in an interview. Here’s the question: What is the circumference of the Earth? Answer: Nearly 25,000 miles – 24,901 miles to be exact.
Another personal fun fact: I can also recite my ABC’s backwards on command. Thanks everybody! Cheers!
You can watch the music video for ‘Sunday Afternoon’ below and find out more about Mychael Gabriel and his music online on his official website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.