At just 19 years old, RoseeLu seems to have a sound way beyond her years which encompasses the alternative sounds of the nineties with raw and very modern pop. Not only does it manage to merge and blur the lines between age and genre but it also manages to have the widescreen, big sound of a Bond theme and the introspective lyrics and contemplation of Billie Eilish. It is a song that very much examines and celebrates the fact that there is nothing wrong with playing alone and spending time on your own. It says that is ok not to feel the need to conform.
RoseeLu says:
“even though it sounds cliche, I really hope to inspire anyone who listens to embrace their inner child and cherish it. ‘Playing Alone’ is my appeal to those who think kids are wrong if they-like me- are not into commercial toys and football cards, but are totally fine contemplating with themselves in their own company- which is OK and super healthy”
This will be the first of many songs that the singer hopes to release this year and it seems she has chosen a song close to her heart, autobiographical in its nature, which will set her bar for the coming year very high. It has raw power, a modern twist on 90’s grunge with a cinematic sweep and a touch of hip hop that highlights one of the most exciting and interesting voices I’ve heard for a while.
RoseeLu again:
“I have always been soul searching and contemplating with my inner self, where both good and bad rules. From a very young age, I learned that if anybody should have a chance to understand me, I needed to express my exact feelings instead of acting like an erupting volcano and exposing my vulnerability, which usually leads to misunderstandings. I write songs to get my unprocessed feelings out in the open and to clear my head. I hope that my songs can help others to process their feelings and emotional state”
This exciting singer grew up listening to her Dad’s piano and wrote her first melodies as young as nursery which gave her the confidence to dare to dream and eventually follow her destiny of becoming a full time musician when she left school. At 17, she left home and moved to Copenhagen to pursue her dream. Whilst she would describe herself as a loner, that’s not to say she’s an introvert. Her constant search to achieve her goals are fired by a very extrovert lust for life.
The new single is out today and I’d recommend discovering this new Nordic talent as soon as you can. Her finely balanced mix of lyrical contemplation and modern pop melody will not disappoint.

Stream and download ‘Playing Alone’ here. Find out more about RoseeLu and her music online on Facebook, Instagram, and through Glass Music’s website.