‘Everybody’s Swimming’, by Nathan Oliver, was released on September 23, and is taken from the North Carolina band’s forthcoming album, ‘Thank You For Your Generosity’.
The album is the fourth for the Chapel Hill trio, and follows the band through a journey of grief which at times is contemplative, and at others, very funny indeed.
The group has been around for 15 years, and the latest album was commenced after the death of Oliver’s brother towards the end of 2017. Nathan tried to make sense of his pain and confusion, while at the same time taking on board some of the optimism his brother was known for. The title is a take on a traditional response to expressions of condolences – it’s become almost trite – while at the same time a genuine expression of thanks. ‘Everybody’s Swimming’, released September 25, comes with a music video showing…well what else? Everybody swimming! But the song itself, is more of a comment on how we’re all “doing the cool walk” through life. Nobody knows what’s around the corner; nobody really knows what’s going on in their lives; nobody has really got it all together. It’s a freeing thought once you realise it – that cool person has their own anxieties, their own stresses. Nobody truly knows what’s going on in anyone else’s life unless they’re living it. On the one hand it’s a sobering thought – particularly in relation to close family members: you can’t know exactly what’s going on in their heads – but on the flipside, they can’t know how it is with you either so you’ve got to get on with your life the best you can. All in all you can hold your head in confidence and live the best life you can live. You’ve only got one…and everybody’s swimming.
Beyond the deep contemplation the song engenders, the track itself is catchy, upbeat and fun, calling to mind the pop-punk stylings of blink-182, Wheatus, and They Might Be Giants. Jangly guitars and thrumming drumbeats holding it all together, along with slightly muffled vocals sung as if through a long tube, give the track a home-made vibe, as if it’s been recorded in someone’s garage. It’s a great technique and it goes a long way to making the band feel more accessible.
‘Thank You For Your Generosity’ is set for release on October 23. You can find Nathan Oliver online on Bandcamp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Watch the video for ‘Everybody’s Swimming’ below.