As recording sensation, actress, producer, and woman of many creative facets releases her new single ‘Lame Excuses’ (now available worldwide), I simply couldn’t resist sharing some intimate questions and answers regarding the reasons for her song. I also wanted to find out why her strong reemergence into the music industry was so important to her, and why she left in the first place.
People come and go in the tough world of music however, when a true star rekindles their illumination in such a powerful way, you just know it’s destiny.
Your new single ‘Lame Excuses’ was released July 13th. What made you choose the particular song above the others from the new movie “Gale and the Storm?
I chose this song because it embodies the essence of my movie Gale and the storm. We as women are faced with many challenges and a lot of the time we put up with relationships that fall short because the other person in the relationship makes a lot promises that they fail to keep and then give us ‘Lame Excuses’. Hence the title of the first single…The song is also about women wanting more than hollow words and no action. They want to be honored, treasured, and respected. But really any person woman or man can relate to this song if they have dealt with empty promises and lame excuses why things don’t work out or happen as promised.
In what context was the single used in the film?
‘Lame Excuses’ spoke to the elements of the movie but it didn’t have any relevance to the scene in which you heard it. It was like background music basically, like music you might hear in a car driving down the street. In this particular scene the song was a segue song from looking at Gale’s shoes after establishing their work relationship to this scene where they started talking about their personal lives. It was really a very personal scene where they started opening up to each other about their personal failures and successes. They were really being transparent with each other.
Your new campaign ‘Unfinished Business’, a great anthem for you, please explain the thoughts behind that ?
The idea behind the ‘Unfinished Business’ campaign is just that, I have a lot of unfinished business to tend to! I walked away from the music industry at the height of my career. There was still so much creativity in me and potential to express my voice as an artist. However at the time there were a lot of things in my life that lead me to have to leave the music industry and I left a lot on the table. So there’s a lot of unfinished business I have to take care of. And now I have the wisdom of my life to execute my plan. As I enter the industry again, the landscape has changed and I don’t have the big machine that was Warner Brothers behind me. I have Karyn White Enterprises and I have to wear many hats. Producer, writer, director, song writer, etc. The list is too long and the hats are too many to name but nothing will stop me from being successful and staying true to my organic sound.
If you could change anything in your life, what would it be and why?
If I could change anything in my life, I would change nothing. Everything in my life, every experience, every lesson, every challenge that I faced made me the person that I am today. I am evolving every day and I always strive to be better than I was the day before, the week before, the year before. Personal growth and development is a big part of my motto and principles for my life. Therefore if there is something that I want to do I do it. No matter how high the mountain is I climb it. I continue to challenge myself to achieve my goals for me, for my fans, for my dedication to my family community and world. I have learned from myself and I learned from others and I continue to strive. Though I am not perfect the fabric of my being is in body and self-determination to make a plan and sticking to it until I achieve my goal.
‘Lame Excuses’ is a powerful message song that a lot of people can certainly identify with, is it at all personal to you?
Is ‘Lame Excuses’ personal to me? I’ve put up with so much but no more. I’ve graduated from accepting lame excuses.
Coming back into the music business poses a lot of challenges. What is your biggest challenge?
As I stated earlier the landscape of the music industry has changed. With a new global world and an ever-changing technological landscape, this is a completely different time for music and the music industry. It is also a different time for the artist. I come from a generation of the mystique artist. No one knew deep personal details and the secret to the artistry of Prince, Michael Jackson, even Whitney Houston. But today’s artist is living in a bubble and every move they make is scrutinized and analyzed, and converted to 140 characters and posted on social media for their fans and enemies alike to see and comment on. So the biggest challenge I see for myself is living in a world of unlimited access and making sure that I adjust and keep up with the ever changing and growing technology and its impact and effect on the music industry.
Any new projects on the horizon for you at the moment?
Next on the horizon is more touring, Doing a sitcom in the UK, recording new music, Flipping houses, seeking movie roles to be a part of. My partner Derrick Muhammad and I will be producing more films. You see what I mean by the many hats? But I’m on a mission to be assertive and use my self determination to achieve my goals.
Follow Karen White on Twitter, and her official website.
Check out the trailer for Gale & The Storm here: