Mister Zuckerberg is a self-styled rock and roll retiree, with an urgent message that ought to resonated across the generations. His song, ‘Digital Rain’, is a broadside shot against techno-conformity, delivered through a vocoder.
‘Digital Rain’ recalls both the robotic protests of the early new-wave era, and left-field pop of Mister Zuckerberg’s youth, and it’s designed to penetrate the consciousness of the social media users everywhere.
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Mister Zuckerberg, is, as can be guessed at by his name, a distant relative of the Facebook founder, and a singer songwriter, video director, and recent septuagenarian, who’s had enough of modern electro-dysfunction. He’s determined to do what he can to strike back.
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‘Digital Rain’ is matched with a clever – and hypnotic – animated clip with occasionally abstract images. The meaning is nonethless clear – the entire digital sphere has come under the thumb of a few powerful interrelated interests. A shower of binary rain is herded into shapes, points on a grid, water tumbling from a showerhead, dominos falling in sequence, and so on. Mister Zuckerberg is objecting to the way that social media has warped the world, and is making a very valid point with his song.
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Find Mister Zuckerberg on Twitter.
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