George Shelley’s fans are an important part of his life, and as a reward for their loyalty, he has recorded six original songs, as well as accompanying music videos, releasing them on a weekly basis in the run-up to Christmas.
His first track from his forthcoming album, ‘Originals’, was the song ‘360’, which he released on November 20:

George directed and edited the video, and co-produced the song with John Black. He followed this up with the track, ‘Soldier’, which came out on November 27:

The third song and halfway point in this unique project, and industry first, is ‘Scars’, which was released on this past Sunday, December 4. Listen to George talking about the inspiration behind ‘Scars’ before listening to the song:

The final three songs will be released on Sundays right up to and including Christmas Day, with George playing his inaugural live show at Chelsea’s Under The Bridge, on December 18.
Speaking of the project, George says,
“After ‘360’, which is about me at my most vulnerable, I’ll release ‘Soldier’, a song about the importance of family, and how it’s always worth fighting for. From there, we have ‘Scars’, inspired from a DM on Twitter I received from a girl in need of help who was self-harming. It touched me, and although I didn’t know how to help directly, I picked up my guitar and this song kind of fell out of me. I hope she gets to hear it one day, and it helps her in one way or another. ‘Make It Better’ is the next song, with an adorable video about friendship; and ‘Poltergeist’ is about the energetic ‘noise’ that is left in a place after a relationship has ended. Finally, ‘Prove Me Wrong’ is my attempt to show the silly side of love, you know, when you’re being a bit of a goofball!
This is an outburst of creativity, the whole project is. I spent a lot of the last few years holding back so now this is all kind of like an explosion of expression showing the different parts of my mind. It’s my little art project. Through school, college and uni I always had art projects on the go, I loved them. I was the first kid in my school who was allowed to do 2 Art GCSE’s at once, only because I would fly through the projects; I get so obsessed with them.
Creativity is fun, and should be about nothing else. Delete expectations, delete pressure; what will be, will be. Just create.”
In an industry where all too often artists have their careers run for them, with management taking control of even their social media, it’s refreshing to see someone who’s doing a lot of it himself, and who cares so much for his fans.
See here for tickets and further information about George Shelley’s performance at Under The Bridge. You can find George online on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and his official website.