Progressive metal trio, SOURCE, from Boulder, Colorado, are unique in their approach to their music.
Known for its unrivalled beauty, and defined by its location at the base of The Rocky Mountains, Boulder is less well known as a thriving cultural hub, benefiting not only from its close proximity to Denver, but also as the home of the University of Colorado.
It is not surprising therefore, given this combination of influences, both natural and cultural, that SOURCE’s music pulls from both sides of the spectrum. In a genre that traditionally focuses less on brains than sheer brute presence, they have injected a healthy dose of cerebral exploration, and in their own words, they,
“create consciousness based music through the exploration of philosophy, meditation, yoga, flotation tanks and other mindfulness practices. Their music is an expression of the sensations experienced on this planet, the profoundness of the human experience and the beauty of all that is.”
SOURCE’s new album, ‘Return To Nothing’, released on Pavement Entertainment, is available now, and lead track, ‘Memories Of Yesterday’, is a like a cross between Peter Gabriel and…any metal band you can think of. Thrashing guitars and frantic drumming are combined with gentle, thoughtful lyrics, and occasionally the music is punctuated by prog-rock style instrumental contemplation. If a genre was needed to be created to define their sound, it might be called “Intellectual Metal”.
‘Memories Of Yesterday’ is accompanied by a beautiful, hauntingly atmospheric video, directed by Eric Richter, who marries the visual and sonic perfectly.
SOURCE are about to head out on tour across the USA to promote ‘Return To Nothing’. For further details check out their website. You can find SOURCE online on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud, Tumblr, and YouTube. Download ‘Return To Nothing’ from iTunes, and stream on Spotify.