A short while ago we introduced you to Loveless Effect, an acoustic rock band from Arizona. They gave us their Essential Cover of the Zac Brown Band song, ‘Heavy Is The Head’. Comprising Seth Loveless on Lead Vocals & Guitar, Forest Towers playing Bass, and Justin Schafer on Drums/Percussion we caught up with them ahead of their European tour, which will commence in London on March 15.
EP: Tell us the Loveless Effect story.
LE: We are just three friends that went to high school together and decided to play music in a band. Since then we have been touring in the U.S. and over seas.
EP: You’ve got rocky influences, you’ve got a blues/rock sound – we’ve heard your take on the Zac Brown Band song, ‘Heavy is the Head’ – but you’re touring with country artists. How does that work?
LE; It gives the fans more of a variety within the whole set, you get the best of both worlds. We think that our sound will complement the other artists on this tour.
EP: Your eponymous EP is out over here in the UK soon – what can we expect from that?
LE: We expect everyone to play it as loud as they can! A lot of guitar work, groovy bass lines, and hard hitting drums. We love it and we hope you love it too.
EP: Looking back over your career – what would you have done differently, if anything, and if so why?
LE: We wouldn’t change anything. Everything that we have done has lead up to everything that we are doing now.
EP: What’s your take on the current state of the music industry? Is it easier or harder these days do you think to make a career as a professional musician?
LE: It is more difficult now because people can download music for free off the internet, and you have to perform more shows to make a living. A lot of other people think that they can just buy their way in but that’s the wrong way to do it. You have to pay your dues and make fans playing shows.
EP: What does the future hold for Loveless Effect?
LE: This year is full of travelling and playing shows, we are doing a European tour and have 11 shows booked in total. When we get back from that tour we are doing an American tour that will last the entire summer. We want to play in festivals around the world and increase our fan base by playing our music for big names and having a good time.
EP: What question do you wish someone would ask you in an interview, but nobody ever does?
LE: How our day is going, pancakes or waffles, our favourite colour, and stuff like that.
Find Loveless Effect online on Twitter, Facebook, and their website.
Loveless Effect will be touring with American Young and Sasha McVeigh. You can catch them at the following:
March 15 – Century Club, LONDON (Time Out Presents)
March 16 – Oran Mor, GLASGOW
March 17 – Ruby Lounge, MANCHESTER
March 18th – Hare & Hounds, BIRMINGHAM
March 19 – Little Rabbit Barn, COLCHESTER
March 24th – Melkweg, AMSTERDAM
March 29 – Strom Club, MUNICH
April 1 – Mr Pickwick, GENEVA
Tickets are available now at See Tickets.
Check out their cover of the Zac Brown Band song, ‘Heavy Is The Head’: