The Sherlocks are made up of Kiaran Crook on Lead Vocals/Rhythm Guitar, his brother Brandon on Drums, and Josh and Andy Davidson on Lead Guitar and Bass respectively. Kiaran answered our questions while the band were at the Reading Festival last week:
EP: What’s The Sherlocks story?
KC: Two sets of brothers from a little village near Sheffield. The band formed when Andy and Josh (bassist and guitarist) moved next door to Kiaran and Brandon’s (vocalist/guitarist and drummer) grandparents.
EP: Talk us through ‘Heart of Gold’. What’s it all about?
KC: ‘Heart of Gold’ is an old song which the band have been playing a while, it got brought up as a suggestion to be recorded and ended up being the one we decided to work on. Since then the song has changed massively and is a big anthemic tune. The whole idea of the song is about the struggles of trying to be with someone and make it work but really you know it won’t work.
EP: What’s your songwriting process?
KC:  I come up with an idea/song and bring it to band practice. The band then figure out all they’re parts in I haven’t already wrote them and we try stuff out by playing it over and over again.
EP: What are your inspirations? Personally and musically?
KC: I enjoy writing songs so that inspired me, I like watching the songs grow from an idea on an acoustic guitar to the band playing it with different parts added and playing it all over the country. And I love Paul Weller, he’s a massive influence! The Jam’s style sound is massively influential to us, the energy and the attack of the music. And also his melodies and his style of writing….how the lyrics flow and stuff.
EP: What advice do you have for anyone getting into the music industry?
KC: Advice would be to write good songs and keep playing live! Never stop touring. Hard work is the key.
EP: Best venue you’ve ever played?
KC: Played lots of great venues. The Villa Marina in Douglas, Isle of Man when we supported JAMES was incredible.
EP: What would you do differently if you could do it all over again?
KC: I don’t think we would change anything, we have learnt so much and we are having a great time along the way.
EP: Top three songs/artists doing it for you right now?
KC: Paul Weller – Going My Way (from his new album, Saturns Pattern)
       Reverend and the Makers – Makin Babies
       Fleetwood Mac – Dreams
EP: Where will you be this time next year/5 years – or do you not make plans?
KC: We would like to be one of the biggest bands in the UK. We believe we have the songs to do this.
Find the Sherlocks on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, and their website. You can find their music on iTunes, with their new release, ‘Heart of Gold’ due for release in November. Preorder now.