One of the hottest talents in Jamaica right now, Reggae singer Nature has built up a strong reputation with tracks like, ‘Wasting Time’, ‘Revolution’, ‘World Peace’, and ‘Hold On’, as well as stunning live performances. He’s worked tirelessly to get where he is, and has just finished his album, ‘Life’s Journey’, with Jamaican label, Down Sound Records.
Producer Cordell ‘Skatta’ Burrell, says of the album,
“We’ve now chosen the best 15 for the album and we believe it has the chance to set the music world on fire. Nature is a fierce young voice moving on to bigger things in his future he’s is a very talented artiste whose time has come now. He is ready and he has a Worldwide team around him”.
Real name Andre Ellis, Nature has been touring extensively, in Europe and Australia. He said, after a series of explosive performances down-under,
“I feel good to be out in the World because as a young artiste, you have to plant the seeds to build a fan base. Music is a growing process, it is really a career, that is why I am taking timeout to do conscious, positive music that can last a lifetime.”
Recently supporting Ali Campbell at Kew The Music Festival, Nature’s track ‘Love You’ has been getting great support from BBC1 Xtra, BBC Radio 2 and BBC London Live.
You can find Nature on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. ‘Life’s Journey’, including lead track, ‘Love You’, is available on iTunes.