Who is Drewford Alabama? Curated by Jamie Morrison (Stereophonics/Noisettes) there’s a pretty great story behind these tracks!
When Jamie was on tour in 2007 and landed in Williamsburg, New York his luggage wasn’t there to meet him.
By heading out and buying a suitcase and jacket a story was created; the suitcase lining was tampered with and a book of lyrics by Drewford Alabama was enclosed. This is where it gets even more interesting, Jamie hunted down a relation of Drewford, Mary-Anne Alabama in fact, and in Summer 2010 he found out Drewford loved writing but didn’t have the courage to sing to strangers.
The next few years saw Jamie learning to play a guitar and record using a tape recorder to create what’s now known as ‘The Life and Times of Drewford Alabama’. Following on from the first EP release in January which featured artists such as Fyfe Dangerfield, the 2nd instalment ‘Time is On Your Side’, featuring Bnann (The Infadels) has been unveiled and can be heard below! Take a moment to listen to the sincere lyrics, infectious melodies and the gorgeous video accompaniment below.
Find out more at Facebook, Twitter and the Official Website.