Jess and the Bandits are a formidable force making their name in the country music scene around the world. Their debut album, “Here We Go Again” entered the UK Country Artists Albums Charts this week at number 6, and seems likely to only improve on this. Definitely a name to look out for, we have had the privilege to see them in concert, and now we have had the chance to speak to them as well.
Why The Bandits? How did that name come about?
We all sat around with our management one day throwing out ideas. You should have heard some of them. Lots were pretty ridiculous but as soon as we said, Jess and the Bandits, we knew that was the one!
Your debut album is called “Here We Go Again”. Can you tell us a bit about that?
We are so excited about this album! Having spent time writing with some of Nashville’s best for about a year we finally finished the album and are so pleased with it. We wanted to make sure where wasn’t a weak track on it so we took the time needed for that. With a lot of country records you get an abundance of mid tempo, nice songs. Our method was different, we want to grab the listeners attention from the beginning with upbeat, fun songs with fantastic lyrics and hooks. I think we achieved that!
Do you have a favourite track from the album?
It’s hard to choose a favourite because, like children, they are all so different. We love performing “Wanted Man” and “Ready Set”.
Where do you find your inspiration?
EVERYWHERE! It can be with our own personal experiences or something a friend is going through. Other times ideas just come depending on the mood you’re in.
Do you have similar or very different musical tastes within the band?
We all have very similar tastes. We’re all fans of music in general.
What is the one thing that you disagree most over?
We haven’t had any major disagreements thankfully. If anything it’s just how we all interpret things differently when it comes to music. At the same time that is a great thing and we are good about listening to each other and our ideas. We actually like each other!
What has been the highlight of your career so far?
There have been a couple. Playing at C2C in March and finding out we had one of the longest queues of people waiting to see us on both days. Also filling the Brooklyn Bowl to capacity on those days as well! Another one would be finding out we debuted at #6 in the Official UK Country Chart!
What can fans expect from you in the future?
They can expect more great music and definitely lots of tours. Performing is what we love to do and we want to bring our show to as many fans as possible!
Favourite venue to perform at?
The Brooklyn Bowl is an amazing venue but Performing at the O2Â and Wembley is always a favourite.
What’s your advice to people setting out on a musical career?
Don’t do it! Haha just kidding. Get out there and start performing. You’ll know then if this industry is for you. Grow a tough skin and be confident in who you are as an artist. Don’t ever give up. Persistence is the key in everything, especially the music industry.
What has nobody ever asked you that you always wish they had?
No one ever asks our political beliefs but that being said, maybe it’s a good thing no one has!
“Here We Go Again” is available now on iTunes and from Amazon.