For fans of Taylor Swift and her latest releases including her reworking of her original tracks, then I really want to be the one to introduce you to a really exciting talent out of Denmark. Emma Grankvist, artistically known as Eee Gee, has released a breathtakingly beautiful new song ‘All or Nothing’ which draws on a beautifully modern folk country based vibe and a lyric full of melancholic, self-examination which will appeal to the introvert in all of us desperately trying to make it in a world which increasingly caters to the hugely extrovert laying bare of our whole lives via social media. It’s a song that says its ok to not be ok but let’s try to use that feeling to discover what’s good in our lives, an emotion that all of us must have felt at one time or other during this crazy time, and use that self-knowledge to push on.
Eee Gee says:
“‘All or Nothing’ is about feeling inadequate and sorry for yourself, watching everyone else succeed in life. You’re feeling paralyzed from your lack of actions, and slowly realise that you now have to work twice as hard to get where you want to be, because you’ve been snoozing your life away. It’s the unpleasant but important wake up call. The awakening from hibernation.”
The music of Eee Gee treads the tightrope of Americana, Folk and Country but we shouldn’t be tempted to pigeon hole this enormous talent, after all so many of the best artists at the moment walk this line, even if they are not put in those genres. As I said earlier, this is a singer who has taken her Nordic pop melancholia origins and infused them with the kind of fresh, honest song writing that Taylor Swift has made her own. Whilst many of Miss Swift’s fans would baulk at her Country and Folk origin, her recent massively successful albums are exactly that. Eee Gee has a beautiful voice and a lyric, in this song, that is a searingly honest journey through the emotions of self-pity and mental awakening which will resonate with so many young people as we try to extricate ourselves from the pandemic and lockdown.
Eee Gee says:
“I write music for the introvert, who is constantly pushed into the uncomfortable extrovert way of how the world works.”
The video that accompanies this song finally lets us see Eee Gee as she stars in a beautiful one take live session by young director Roberta Hilarius Reichhardt.
Eee Gee says:
“Coming from a part of the world where merely anything is possible, I thought it would only be appropriate, especially after such a crazy year, to emphasize the privilege and luxury by wearing an impractical big princessy dress, to mock the feeling of me being stuck and feeling sorry for myself, when I basically have everything I need to survive or succeed. It’s kind of like, when you’re so in your own head, that it removes you from the real world, you might as well dwell in your privileged pigsty. There’s something comically pathetic about self-pity, if it never develops into self-knowledge, and a new drive for a new day, it’s a useless puddle of selfish emotions. A serious party killer. When I feel lost I like to watch nature documentaries about the planet earth, it makes me feel small and humble, and poof my problems get a new perspective and seem like such a trifle.”
‘All or Nothing’ is a guitar driven acoustic song that sits perfectly in the current music market. Fans of BRIT winner Griff, Lana Del Rey and Taylor Swift’s ‘Folklore’ and ‘Evermore’ will love this new song and I can’t wait to see what comes next from this exciting young singer.
