Japanese Girl Group ATARASHII GAKKO! Make American Debut

On Wednesday, it was announced that the Japanese girl group ATARASHII GAKKO! will be making their way across the Pacific Ocean to debut in a blockbuster tour of North America, where they will perform across Mexico, the USA, and Canada. Known in Japan as Atarashii Gakkou no Leaders (Leaders of the New School), the group made their worldwide debut in January 2021, with the single ‘Nainainai’, but up until now, haven’t performed in the West – something that changes coming November 7th.

Formed in 2015, when all four members of the group were still in school, they quickly rose to popularity with their debut single, titled ‘Dokubana’, in June 2017, which hit #84 on Oricon’s singles chart – their best performing song on the chart to date. Since then, the group have enjoyed a great deal of success in Japan, but have also received praise from Western listeners (mostly American) who, despite not fully understanding the lyrics, still enjoy the music and the j-pop style that brought the group fame. Due to the newfound popularity in America, ATARASHII GAKKO! announced a tour across America, titled SEISHUN (youth), which kicks off in November, ending near the dawn of December.

Lately, Eastern music has gained a cult following amongst Western audiences, with Korean music in particular being held in high regard. However, the Japanese bring their own unique style to the table, with a high-energy approach that gets crowds moving in just a few seconds. ATARASHII GAKKO! exemplify this perfectly; their performances, personalities, and even their group name is very energetic and vibrant. It wouldn’t be fun if they didn’t put their own twist on the music, though, and the group does exactly that, fusing pop, jazz, hip-hop and much more into a funky new J-pop style. The group continues to rise in popularity due to this style, receiving praise and acclaim wherever they go, and will continue to move crowds come November, when their highly anticipated tour will kick off.

Learn more about the tour and buy tickets through the group’s English website here.

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