Embedding videos in your next blog post could earn you tons of traffic, leads, and sales. You can drive tons of traffic without having to link to videos directly.
The problem with video embeds these days is making sure they look good. Not only is a video’s quality essential but how it’s setup can affect how it looks.
Here, we have compiled 5 mistakes that people commonly make when embedding a video into a blog post. We’ll also give some tips on how to avoid these video embedding mistakes for beginners.
1. Using Unsupported Video Formats
Most online video sites only accept specific video types to ensure compatibility. Trying to upload the wrong file type can create problems and sometimes lead to malfunctioning playback. It’s essential to upload only supported formats, such as AVI, FLV, or WMV.
To avoid these mistakes, you should always check video compatibility. This includes relevant metadata, using reliable servers, enabling embedding, and double-checking player compatibility.
2. Embedding Videos With Large File Sizes
One mistake, in particular, is embedding videos with large file sizes. Videos with large file sizes take longer for internet users to download.
To avoid this issue, you should try and keep your video file size as small as possible when editing website videos. If using video compression, aim for a file size of 5 MB or smaller for the best results. Also, you can try this mp4 to gif converter to further decrease the file size of the video.
3. Not Optimizing Video Dimensions
Not optimizing the dimensions of the video can lead to a poor visual experience for the viewer. Incorrectly sizing a video can be confusing, lead to poor playback performance, and appear distorted or stretched resulting in a poor user experience.
To minimize this, you should first resize the video to the optimal dimensions using video embedding tools. You want to ensure the aspect ratio of the video is correct and follows the aspect ratio of the device. You should check your video encoding settings to make sure they are optimized for the device it is being played on.
4. Neglecting Responsive Design
Responsive design is important for video playback. You don’t want customers to have to struggle to view a video because their device doesn’t support the size or format provided.
To ensure a consistent, smooth video experience across all devices, use a flexible player to create a consistent embed code for the page. Use a container or wrapper so that different types of formats are properly presented in the video embedding process.
5. Not Providing Fallback Options
Fallback options act as a backup in case the video fails to play on the user’s device. Without these options, it can be extremely inconvenient for the visitor who is unable to see the video.
To avoid this mistake, hosting companies can ensure they provide multiple formats of the same video. Hosting companies can ensure they have a player that is compatible with major browsers. Making sure it is mobile-optimized so users can watch their videos wherever they are.
Avoid These 5 Video Embedding Mistakes for Beginners
It is essential to consider the top 5 video embedding mistakes for beginners and how to avoid them. Plot out a strategy for success and don’t let problems with the video code detract from the core of your message.
Following standard video embedding guidelines, you can leverage content to maximize engagement without falling into common pitfalls. Why not start your journey now and see what success you can achieve?
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