Amy had the chance to speak to Liverpool based pop artist Jason Allan about his up-and-coming show in Liverpool, how he got into music and his plans for 2020.
Hi Jason, Thank you for chatting to us today, how are you?
Yeah I just ate a burger, so I’m great thanks!
What made you start music and how old were you when you started making music?
I accidentally joined a choir when I was 8 thinking it was some kind of football team. Turned out it was singing tunes about Jesus, I stuck with it and turned out to have a good set of pipes so just went with it and never looked back! It’s a good thing tbh as I’m rubbish at football.
Do you think music has given you a lot of confidence?
Oh hell yes, I naturally suffer with social anxiety and am massively self conscious about speaking in public, or speaking in general really, but when I’m singing I could literally sing in front of the whole of Africa and be totally care free and happy.
You’re doing a show in Liverpool soon, (18th April) are you excited to be performing?
Yeahhhh! I’m honestly so buzzing This whole music thing really kicked off for me in Liverpool and it’s pretty undeniable that my strongest fan base is in Liverpool so it only felt right to do my biggest ever show there and it’s on Birthday so literally I’m gonna be on cloud 9 that day. All the proceeds are going to my sisters charity Living With Laura, which I’m so happy about. She suffers with metachromatic leukodystrophy which is a critical, incurable disease, anyway I can use my music to give her a better quality of life helps me sleep better a night.
What’s your favourite part of doing shows?
I mean I love jumping about the stage like an idiot but honestly it’s spending time with the fans. We all spend so much time behind screens that the 1 on 1 time I have with them after the show is really essential for me to show my appreciation.
What’s been your favourite out of your previous shows?
This whole interview is just me hyping my Liverpool squad haha but in all honesty it was my last headline in Liverpool, we sold out the Zanzibar and whilst playing my song ‘Scars’ everyone had their torches up and it was really a pinnacle moment for me where I thought ‘yeah, I’m properly doing this, people actually care’ and it gave me the motivation to make sure I’m doing this for the rest of my life.
Can you remember your first ever show that you have done?
Yeah, it was when I lived in the town I grew up in – Chesterfield. I sang covers (and Scars because at that point it was my only original song) in a pub with one old dude drinking his Guinness and he didn’t even clap at the end of my songs 🤣.
When are you going to be releasing new music?
There’s defo new music coming this year which is gonna shock everyone a bit cos it’s definitely not what everyone is used to but I won’t give a date at this point, you’ll have to wait and see haha.
How would you describe your sound?
Well I’ve always said it’s alternative pop as I’m a lover of pop music but each time has a different element of my weird personality attached to it. The new vibe will be much more band orientated as my current stuff was written & released when I was a solo artist playing songs from my laptop. My new sound will all revolve around my live show, which will be mosh pit worthy all the way through with a couple sad bangers thrown in cos I’m just to soppy not to.
Tell me a bit about the writing/recording process when you bring a song out?
Each song is different tbh my voice notes is inundated with inane pop melodies of which 3% I’ll actually feel are good enough to throw some chords to. Then as soon as I have a basic concept & structure I jump in the studio with my producer ‘RAFFER’ and slowly bring it to life.
What do you try to get across in each of your songs?
I either want you to dance your problems away or listen to mine. I’m gonna be fully honest, if I feel the track is a bop I don’t worry so much on the lyrics because I just want people to have fun and escape reality for a bit. But if I genuinely want to get a point across like in ‘Scars’ or ‘You’ you’re gonna get exactly what’s in my brain.
What has been your biggest achievement in your singing career so far?
Someone got a tattoo of my song lyrics recently, that was pretty mad haha.
What has been your proudest moment in 2019?
Again it would be selling out my headline in Liverpool. It’s given me the motivation and confidence for my 02 Academy show in April and unless it completely flops and no one turns up I’m sure that show will be my proudest moment of 2020.
And finally, what goals have you got for 2020, performing wise, travel wise, song-wise?
2020 is the year I’m gonna hit some new territory, musically and geographically…Not to give too much away but there’s gonna be plenty of opportunities to see me perform in cities I’ve not yet ventured. I think basically my plan is to meet as many people as possible.
Thank you to Jason for speaking to us!
To see Jason perform live in Liverpool, get your tickets here. Let us know if you will be attending!
You can find Jason Allan online on Twitter, Instagram, Spotify and his official website.