You have to stay loyal to your people, right? I saw Mystery Jets for the first time back when I was working at Glastonbury (moment of silence because it’s over and I miss it..) and they performed a secret gig at Strummerville which is where I was working. When I went to BST to see Mumford & Sons I had no idea that they were playing there as well but as soon as I saw it on the lineup I knew I had to make the time to see them, and so I did.

Mystery Jets are a indie-pop/indie-rock four piece band that mainly kick ass on any stage where they perform. They toured with Mumford & Sons, which itself is quite impressive, and they have played at festivals like Glastonbury, Reading, and Leeds Festivals as well as having toured a few times.

Whilst the rest of my friends held our spot for Mumford & Sons I ran away to the Barclays Stage for half an hour to see their amazing set. When I got there it was already packed but I managed to squeeze my way in to fifth row and dance along with all the people that actually knew them and enjoyed their music. Seeing as it’s only the second time I’ve seem them I only knew a few of the lyrics here and there but I still enjoyed the energy the crowd showed, and seeing how much fun the boys were having on stage.

I’d love to tell you the songs that they played but I can honestly not remember the names of them but I can vouch for the fact that they were amazing and if you click HERE it will take you to their Spotify where you can find all their music, hopefully that makes up for it!
*Originally published here.