I first heard Seafret when they played a session for Zane Lowe at the Maida Vale Studios back in November 2014 and particularly remember a wonderful cover of Hozier’s ‘Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene’ alongside their own tracks ‘Give Me Something’ and ‘Oceans’.

Then as now it was Jack Sedman’s soulful lyrics poured over Harry Draper’s acoustic guitar playing that made these tracks stand out although at Maida Vale they had the help of a luscious string section. After this introduction, I managed to catch the end of their set at the Barn On The Farm festival last Summer so I was looking forward to last night’s gig with some anticipation.

Last night Seafret played the legendary London venue that is the 100 Club. It would be easy to get overawed by the ghosts of performers past here and there is a constant reminder of the Clubs illustrious involvement in the world of music since 1942 provided by the gallery of pictures that cover the walls around the long stage that runs down one side of the venue. Jack and Harry however, accompanied by their keyboard player and drummer, were determined to enjoy themselves and to soak up the history and the adoration of a young appreciative crowd singing along to every lyric from their days old debut album ‘Tell Me It’s Real’. A crowd that were filming and photographing every move. At one point a girl fan in front of me actually filmed with a camera in one hand and an iPhone in the other. In the modern world of social media, this must be true love, but I can’t help thinking it’s much more fun to just enjoy the music and get carried along by the positivity and lyricism of the band.

On the music front the band had a great time and sang their album with real enthusiasm. Harry’s distinctive guitar style, with an almost banjo like rolling at times, adds a fantastic backdrop to Jack’s soulful love-story infused lyrics and he is quick to pay tribute telling the crowd “Everyone needs a Harry!”. The crowd loudly agree making Harry blush but never affecting his excellent guitar work. Seafret are named after a mist that comes in from the sea and this Bridlington duo really evoke that coastal windswept feeling as they belt out crowd favourites ‘Oceans’, ‘Atlantis’ and ‘Wildfire’ to name a few before finishing by bringing special guest Rosie Carney on stage to sing ‘To The Sea’ beautifully. The obligatory encore was greeted with gusto before a happy sold out crowd of Seafret fans drifted into the night looking forward with real anticipation to the next time.
Seafret – Photo Credit Steve Holley
Jack’s hair and Harry’s slight frame have echoes of Art Garfunkel and Paul Simon and having been inspired by the music of Bob Dylan, a former performer at the 100 Club, and Elvis, I’m sure they will continue to enchant their adoring crowd, and hope to one day have their picture up on the wall alongside some of the legends that have graced this hallowed stage.