When we first heard about Cats Park we immediately needed to find out more, we mean anything with cats in the name must be something great right?
We checked out their album ‘A Taste Of Heaven’ and to say it was a musical delight would be an understatement. Working our way through the release we were met with a haunting, ambient soundtrack full of mysterious twist and turns. Cats Park are a band with the skill to just captivate your mind, if you enjoy the likes of Bjork and Massive Attack this duo is the one for you!
Hailing from St Petersburg this talented outfit have already racked up an array of successes. Having previously gotten through the first round of the Grammy nomination stage with their debut self-titled album in the Best Pop Vocal, Engineered (Non Classical) Album and the Best Arrangement For Instrument And Vocals. But that isn’t when it ends, their music is currently in the process of being licensed for use in a US film, so that’s another recognition to add alongside them already being the premiere English speaking rock band in Russia.
If this wasn’t enough to encourage you to check them out, then head to the following links to find out more! Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and their official website.