The Camino Side Project’s Paul Farran Releases New EP ‘North America’

Paul Farran – the musician behind the Camino Side Project – has just released his fantastic new EP, ‘North America’.

Paul has been on quite a journey over the years and in this EP, he shares his travel experiences with his listeners. The solo artist was inspired by the places that he’s visited and decided to creatively portray these moments in music. From the landscapes in Africa to the cultural differences of Asia, the record was recorded over 4 continents and 11 countries. He also met fellow musicians on the way who helped him create the masterpiece.

The first release on the EP ‘North America’ goes down an almost jazz like route – making the song stand out amongst the others for being so different. Tracks such as ‘Autumn’s Falling’ and ‘Something About Home’ are more acoustic driven and, with Paul’s low toned vocals paired with his inspiring lyrics, make the tracks a much easy listen.

If you’re looking for something different to listen to and want to take some time out from your daily routine then this EP is certainly for you. The 6 track EP is now available to stream through Spotify and Soundcloud. Follow Paul’s Facebook and Instagram to see what else the singer has in store for us in the future. Also be sure to check out his website for more information about the Camino Side Project.

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Book lover. Concert Freak. Band nerd...that's basically all you need to know!

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